
or worshipping since ancient tiThe fall had been the sacred place for trainingAkame 48 where ninjas used to train themselvesaterfalls mes.古来より霊地として修行し、あるいは参拝する滝であったかつて忍者が修行した     W    赤目四十八滝。4 赤目四十八滝から山をひとつ越えた竜口という里には、伊賀流忍術の開祖、百地三太夫の生家があります。戦国時代に活躍し、織田信長とも死闘を繰り広げた百地三太夫は、赤目四十八 滝を修行の場とし、多くの忍者を翡出しました。幾重にも滝が連なる起伏に富んだ険しい地形は、 まさに格好の修行場でもあったのです。 忍者のルーツのひとつとされる「修験道」は、日本古来の山岳信仰に、神道や外来思想の仏教・道教などが結びついた宗教です。「修験道」の開祖とされる、7〜8世紀に奈良を中心に活動した 「役行者」は、不思議な力を駆使して空や野山を巡り、鬼神を自在に操ったという伝説が残っています。赤目四十八滝でも 、役行者が滝に向かって行を修めていると、不動明王が赤い目の牛に 乗って出現したという伝説があり、「赤目」の地名の由来となっています。 役行者が開いたと伝 わる滝入口に位置する「赤目不動尊 延寿院」は、平安時代から鎌倉時代にかけて山岳仏教の道場として栄え、現在も日本三体仏のひとつとされる本尊の不動明王を安置しています。Crossing a mountain from Akame 48 Waterfalls, there is a village called Ryuguchi where the birthplace of MOMOCHI Sandayu, the founder of Iga School Ninjutsu, is located. MOMOCHI Sandayu, who was active during the Sengoku period (period of warring states) and was involved in fierce battles even against ODA Nobunaga, located Akame 48 Waterfalls as a place for austere training and produced many ninjas. The rugged and rough landscapes with layered waterfalls were truly suitable as a training place."Shugendo"(mountaineering asceticism), which is considered to be one of the origins of ninja, is a religion combining Japanese traditional mountain worship with Japanese Shinto and imported religions including Buddhism and Taoism. "Ennogyosha" who is considered to be the founder of "Shugendo"and was active in and around Nara during the 7th and 8th centuries, has a legend that he had moved around in the air or over the filelds and hills by utilizing his magical power, and manipulated Kijin (fierce god) as he wished. At Akame 48 Waterfalls, there is another legend that Fudo Myoo (Acalanatha) appeared on a red-eyed ox when Ennogyosha was sitting under a waterfall, doing ascetic practice. The name of "Akame" (red eyes) derives from this legend. "Akame Fudoson Enju-in" Temple located at the entrance to the waterfalls, is said to be founded by Ennogyosha, and had prospered as a dojo (seminary) of Mountain Buddhism during the Heian and Kamakura periods. Today, it still houses the statue of Fudo Myoo, the principal image known as one of the three statues of Buddha across Japan. 赤目四十八滝の「四十八」とは滝の数が 多いことを示しますが、阿弥陀四十八誓願になぞらえられたものでもあります。すなわち阿弥陀仏は、五劫思惟を重ねて四十八願を建て修行を成就したといわれるところから、四十八滝を全周することで諸願が達成されるという意味が込められていると考えられます。また滝の名前には、不動滝、千手滝、大日滝など仏名に因んだものがたくさんみられます。個々の瀑布に諸仏が宿っているとされ、赤目の自然景観を一大曼荼羅と見立てて名付けられたとも言われます。The "48" of Akame 48 Waterfalls not only associated with the fact that there are many waterfalls, but also with the Amida-Shijuhachi-Seigan (forty-eight wishes of Amida Buddha). Since Amida Buddha is said to have accomplished the ascetic practice through following Goko Shiyui (billion years of contemplation) and have made 48 vows, it could be presumed that the act of going around all of the 48 waterfalls implies that one's wishes could be fulfilled. Among the names of waterfalls, there are many related to the names of the Buddha including Fudo-daki, Senju (thousand-armed)-daki and Dainichi (Mahavairocana)-daki. Various Buddhas are considered to dwell in each waterfall and it is said that they are named by comparing the natural landscape of Akame to the Great Mandala.ごこうしゆいりゅうぐちえんのぎょうしゃふどうだきせんじゅだきだいにちだきももちさんだゆう忍者修行の地The place for ninja training「四十八滝」の由来The origin of "48 Waterfalls"

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