36925567▼赤目四十八滝 Akame-Shijuhachi-Taki28 36936816536831針 ICHari IC室生口大野Muroguchi-Ono榛原Haibara至 大阪方面To OsakaKaochi-dani(valley known for autumnal leaves)Oobora-yama(mountain with a big cave)▼室生寺 Muro-ji Temple▼屏風岩 Byobu-iwa伊賀神戸Iga-kambe名張Nabari赤目口Akame-guchi三本松SambommatsuThe 200-meter cliff speads like a folding screen, where large wild cherry trees bloom in spring and the leaves turn red in autumn. Aoyama-kogen is extended around 10 kilometers from north to south, and is a plateau where you can enjoy a sense of liberation. The windowmill near the top is highly impressive up close.至 伊賀上野To Iga-Ueno至 名古屋方面To NagoyaByobu-iwa(sheer cliff)Aoyama-kogen(Aoyama plateau)▼青山高原 Aoyama-kogen▼大洞山 Oobora-yama▼香落渓 Kaochi-dani▼曽爾高原 Soni-kogen▼三峰山 Miune-yama奈良県宇陀市Uda City, Nara Prefecture奈良県曽爾村Soni Village, Nara City三重県伊賀市Iga City, Mie Prefecture5The scenery with white azalea in early summer and tree branches covered with "rime ice" in the middle of winter creates a mystical atomosphere. 日本300名山の倶留尊山のふもとに広がる曽爾高原。ススキで覆われた草原で、関西屈指のハイキングコースになっています。Soni-kogen is located at the foot of Kuroso-yama (Mt. Kuroso), which is listed in the 300 Famous Japanese Mountains. Soni-kogen is the field covered with Japanese pampas grass and known as one of the best hiking trails in the Kansai region. 初夏は白ツヅジ、厳冬期には枝に咲く氷の花「霧氷」が幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出します。にょにんこうやむろうじたいこばしSoni-kogen(Soni Plateau)Miune-yama(range of three mountains)Nyonin Koya (Koyasan for Women)Muro-ji Temple奈良市曽爾村Soni Village, Nara City奈良県御■村Mitsue Village, Nara Prefectureよろいざか■で断ち割ったような柱状節理の岩壁が川に沿って8km余り続き、春は山桜やツヅジ、秋は紅葉に彩られます。The rock walls of columnar joints as if it has been cut off with an axe continues along the river for about 8 kilometers, which is colored by wild cherry blossom and azalea in the spring, and red leaves in the autumn.苔むした石畳が続く古道が神秘的な大洞山。500本余りの山桜の並木は、国の名勝で「三多気の桜」として知られています。Oobora-yama appears mysterious with an ancient road of moss-covered stone pavement. A row of around 500 wild cherry trees is designated as National Scenic Beauty and is known as "Mitake-no-sakura" (cherry trees of Mitake).こうやさんおおみねさん三重県名張市Nabari City, Mie Prefecture奈良県曽爾村Soni Village, Nara City三重県津市Tsu City, Mie Prefecture高さ200mの断崖が屏風のように広がり、春には大木の山桜が咲き乱れ、秋には紅葉で彩られます。南北約10kmにわたって広がる、開放感のある高原です。頂上付近の風車は、近くで見ると大迫力です。女人高野 室生寺室生寺は、役行者が山林修行道場として開創し、弘法大師空海が再興したとも伝わります。多くの寺が女性の立ち入りを許さなかった時代にも、女性を慈悲深く受け入れてきた歴史をもち、高野山や大峰山など女人禁制の聖地が多かった中で「女人高野」として親しまれてきました。室生川にかかる朱塗りの太鼓橋を渡るとそこは聖域。鎧坂をはじめ、自然石を積み上げた石段が700段ほど続き、スギ木立ちの中、国宝や重要文化財にも指定される貴重な堂塔や仏■の数々を拝見できます。Muro-ji Temple is said to be founded by Ennogyosha as a mountain forest training dojo (seminary), and subsequently restored by Kobo Daishi Kukai (founder of Shingon Sect). Muro-ji Temple has a history of accepting women mercifully, even during the period when many temples did not allow women to enter. It is well known as "Nyonin Koya (Koyasan for Women)" in contrast to the most of the other sacred places that were closed to women, including Koyasan (Mt. Koya) and Ominesan (Mt. Omine).Crossing the Taiko-bashi (arched bridge) painted in vermillion over Muro-gawa River, you will be on the sacred ground. There are around 700 steps piled up with natural stones including Yoroi-zaka. Along the steps among the cedar trees, you will see the precious towers, halls and Buddha statues including national treasures and importtant cultural properties. 曽爾高原そにこうげん三峰山みうねやま香落渓かおちだに大洞山おおぼらやま屏風岩びょうぶいわ青山高原あおやまこうげん室生赤目青山国定公園のみどころThe attraction of Muro-Akame-Aoyama Quasi-National Park奈良県と三重県にまたがり、山々が稜線を重ねる室生赤目青山国定公園。急峻な岸壁や渓谷をはじめ、歴史深い山岳寺院や豊かな植物群落など、四季折々に多彩な姿をみせてくれます。Muro-Akame-Aoyama Quasi-National Park is located across Nara and Mie Prefectures with the mountains overlapping the ridges.The park shows various scenery from season to season including steep cliffs and valleys, historical mountain temples and rich plant colonies.
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