京都東京方面博多方面針IC榛原天理IC吹田JCT新大阪赤目四十八滝大和八木KyotoTo HakataTo Tokyo-iiWAkame 48 Hari ICHaibaraTenri ICYamato-YagSuita JCTShnOsakaaterfalls一宮JCT小牧JCTKomaki JCT豊田JCTToyota JCT半田中央JCTHanda-chuo JCT関JCTSeki JCT久居ICHisai IC伊勢中川松阪鳥羽TobaMie賢島ICJCTInterchangeJunction53km40分(min)32kmUeno IC30分(min)40分(min)30分(min)20分(min)18km天理ICTenri IC18km30分(min) 松原JCTMatsubara JCT近鉄でのアクセスAccess by Kintetsu Railways近鉄名古屋Kintetsu-Nagoya60分(min)30分(min)3分(min)13分(min)11分(min) (13分(min))30分(min)東名阪自動車道Higashi-MeihanExpressway名阪国道Meihan NationalRoute一般道General road一般道General road名阪国道Meihan NationalRoute西名阪自動車道Nishi-MeihanExpressway※所要時間は目安です Required time is just a reference.名古屋線特急Nagoya LineLimited express大阪線特急Osaka LineLimited express急行Express急行Express特急(急行)Limited express(Express)大阪線特急Osaka LineLimited express三交バス 三重交通グループSanko Bus Mie Kotsu Grouphttp://www.sanco.co.jp☎ 0595-66-3715Tel: 81-595-66-3715Tel: 81-595-63-3004Tel: 81-595-64-2695亀山ICKameyama IC上野IC赤目四十八滝Akame 48 Waterfalls針ICHari IC伊勢中川Ise-Nakagawa名張赤目口Akame-guchi榛原Haibara大和八木Yamato-Yagi大阪難波Osaka-NambaNabari近鉄「赤目口」より三重交通バスにて「赤目滝」へ。From the "Akame-guchi" Station of Kintetsu Railways take the Mie Kotsu bus to "Akame-daki". 近鉄ホームページ Kʼs PLAZAKintetsu Railway HP K's PLAZAhttp://kintetsu.co.jp☎ 06-6771-3105 、 052-561-1604Tel: 816-6771-3105 , Tel: 8152-561-1604大阪難波Osaka-Namba松原JCTMatsubara JCT泉佐野JCTIzumisano JCT京都府Kyoto和歌山県Wakayama大和西大寺Yamato-Saidaiji滋賀県奈良県Kameyama ICNabariAkame-guchiKumano-Odomari IC四日市JCTYokkaichi JCT草津JCTKusatsu JCT甲南ICKonan ICShiga亀山IC壬生野ICMibuno IC上野ICUeno IC名張赤目口伊勢奥津Ise-Okitsu勢和多気JCTSeiwa-Taki JCTNara熊野大泊IC三重県太平洋Pacific Ocean名古屋西JCTNagoya-nishi JCT名古屋NagoyaIchinomiya JCTIse-NakagawaMatsusakaKashiko-jima【日本の滝百選・遊歩百選・平成の名水百選・森林浴の森100選】【100 waterfalls in Japan / 100 best promenades for walking / 100 exquisite and well-conserved waters of the Heisei period / 100 forests in Japan for forest bathing】赤目四十八滝(日本サンショウウオセンター) / Akame-shijuhachi-taki (Nihon Sansho-uo (salamander) Center)営業時間/4月〜11月・午前8時30分〜午後5時、12月〜3月・午前9時〜午後4時30分休日/12月28日〜12月31日、1月〜3月の第2週までの木曜日赤目町長坂682 ☎ 0595-63-3355泉質/アルカリ性単純温泉 効能/神経痛・筋肉痛・疲労回復など料金/日帰り 大人900円、子供600円Akame-cho, Nagasaka 682 Tel: 81-595-63-3355Spring quality/ alkaline simple hot spring Health benefits/ treatment of neuralgia, muscle pain, recovery from fatigue, etc. Fees/ Day-use: 900 yen for adults, 600 yen for children 赤目四十八滝まで5分の老舗旅館。伊賀牛とろ寿司や、四味に変化する忍術鍋が名物。地元産の杉材を使った大浴場と、回廊を渡った先にある渓谷美を愉しめる露天風呂は、しっとりなめらかで湯上りさっぱりの美肌の湯です。Taisenkaku is a long-established Japanese-style inn located at a five-minute walk to the Akame 48 Waterfalls. Iga beef toro (fatty beef) sushi and Ninja hot pot dish with four varying tastes are their speciality. At the large bath using local cedar wood and the open-air bath located across the corridor where you can enjoy the beauty of the valley, you will find moist, smooth and refreshing hot spring which is good for your skin. 赤目四十八滝入山料 / Akame 48 Waterfall entrance fee料金/大人500円、小中学生250円、 団体30名以上・1割引、100名以上・2割引、300名以上・3割引※入山料には日本サンショウウオセンター入館料を含みます。入山料は、渓谷内の清掃及び自然環境保全の目的で徴収しております。皆様のご理解・ご協力をお願いします。※専用駐車場はございません周辺の有料駐車場をご利用ください(約700台)■お問い合わせ先 Business Hours/ through April to November: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., through December to March: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Holidays/ from December 28 to December 31, on Thursdays from January to the second week of MarchFees/ adult: 500 yen, children (elementary and junior high school students): 250 yen, for a group of 30 or more people: 10% discount, for a group of 100 or more people: 20% discount, for a group of 300 or more people: 30% discountEntrance fee includes the admission fees for Nihon Sansho-uo Center. Entrance fee is collected for the purpose of cleaning the valley and natural environment conservation. We would like your understanding and cooperation.There is no dedicated parking lot. Please use the nearby paid parking lots. (for approximately 700 vehicles).Akame-shijuhachi-taki Management CenterAkame Visitor Center赤目町柏原1203 ☎ 0595-63-1034泉質/単純弱アルカリ性放射能鉱泉 効能/神経痛・疲労回復・アトピーなど 料金/日帰り 大人800円、子供500円Akame-cho, Kashiwara 1203 Tel: 81-595-63-1034Spring quality/ simple slightly alkaline radioactive mineral spring Health benefits/ treatment of neuralgia, fatigue recovery, atopy, etc. Fees/ Day-use: 800 yen for adults, 500 yen for children■Contact information Akame Onsen Hidden hot springs特定非営利法人 赤目四十八滝渓谷保勝会〒518-0469 三重県名張市赤目町長坂671-1☎ 0595-41-1180 http://www.akame48taki.comSpecified non-profit corporation Akame-shijuhachi-taki Valley Conservation Association〒518-0469 671-1 Nagasaka, Akamecho, Nabari City, Mie Prefecture 518-0469, JapanTel: 81-595-41-1180 http://www.akame48taki.com※このパンフレットに掲載の情報は令和元年11月現在のものです。料金などは改定となる場合があります。Information on this pamphlet is as of November 2019. Fees and other details may be revised. Akame Onsen Yama-no-yu Origin of hot water in Akame赤目四十八滝の麓に佇む、湯と味覚の一軒宿。客室は全て離れのようなつくりで癒されます。温泉は、天然ラドン含有率が高く、肌がすべすべになると好評です。和の情緒豊かな内湯と露天風呂、家族風呂があります。Sansuien is one-house inn located at the foot of Akame 48 Waterfalls, and is known for its hot spring and gustation. Their guest rooms are like independent cottages and you will be healed. Their hot spring has a high content of natural radon and it is polular as it makes the skin smooth. Indoor bath with rich Japanese taste, open-air bath and family bath (chartered bath) are available. 赤目四十八滝管理センター赤目ビジターセンター赤目温泉 山の湯 湯元赤目 山水園 <Sansuien>☎ 0595-63-3004☎ 0595-64-26952019.00自動車でのアクセスAccess by car名古屋西JCTNagoya-nishi JCTa healing mountain village赤目四十八滝へのアクセスAccess to Akame 48 Waterfalls心身癒される山里の良質な温泉Quality hot spring in赤目温泉 隠れの湯 対泉閣 <Taisenkaku>
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